Nigerian Foundries Ltd (NFL), has developed a broad range of design and casting capabilities to provide custom weights that meet most industrial requirements. its talented and experienced engineering staff will work with you to design, and manufacture the required weight(s) and deliver them to the site when you need them. NFL produces a broad range of Test, Counter, Cluster, Ballast and Dead weights that are used by a broad range of equipment:
Weights for material handling, mobile cranes & earth moving equipment
Such weights are designed to have optimal space utilization when placed on the equipment while still providing the necessary counterbalancing weight.

Weights for agriculture tractors and forklift equipment
For such equipment, the extreme working conditions the machines operate in, increase the risk of tipping over and require an additional weight to stabilize and optimize the performance. A special counterweight is inserted in the front or rear part of the machine to secure a proper weight distribution and stability.
Weights for industrial cranes, hoists, lifting arms test weights
Industrial Crane / Hoist test weights are used in the periodic re-certification of lifting equipment. NFL, will work with you to design test weights that meet exactly your requirements. Individual weights can be designed to achieve the desired total weight requirements by stacking or nesting weight combinations. This will allow you to test all lifting devices in your facility. Each weight is clearly labelled to ensure that the correct combinations can be selected to suit your testing requirements.

Weights for marine applications ballast weights
Such as gravity anchors and clump weights used for mooring lines. Clump weights are made of cast iron and are designed to offset the vertical forces against the anchor and restrict the movements of the floating structure.
Weights for industrial elevators counter weights
Elevator test weights are essential for ensuring the safety of the elevators and the lives of the persons using them. Elevator test weight carts are a critical component in the testing and certification of elevators. Elevator service and repair companies use them regularly and we supply them to the industry.

Test weights for calibrating industrial scales & Motion picture camera boom weights.
The accuracy of an industrial scale means “money in the pocket” or “money lost”. This accuracy can only be measured by using certified test weights. NFL produces and certifies such test weights.