State of the Art Technology
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A pattern of success
Both plants are equipped with fully fledged pattern making facilities, NFL’s experienced pattern makers get the right results by matching pattern equipment to the moulding process. Furthermore, the Methods department is equipped with AutoCAD and SOLIDWORKS 3-dimensional drawing software, while all the necessary casting simulation is concluded on the MAVIS software.
Cast in mould of quality
Forming the nucleus of NFL’s moulding facilities are horizontal moulding machines designed for the fast production of green sand moulds of consistently high quality. The moulds produce castings of international standard with weights of up to 100kg. NFL’s jobbing moulding facilities are designed to produce iron and steel castings of up to 4000 kilograms; a versatility known only to a few foundries.
Melting to specifications
NFL’s melting facilities encompass medium frequency induction furnaces of varying capacities from 500 to 4,000 kilograms. The Otta plant is equipped with 2x 2000kg Inductotherm Dual Track furnaces while the Ilupeju plant has 2 x 1000kg and 2 x 650kg Inductotherm Powertrack furnaces. This combination allows for versatility in the production of castings of varying metal specifications. Each plant is equipped with Optical Emission Spectrometers to monitor the material produced to the required metallurgical specifications. This ensures that specifications conform to all international standards, as required by the customer. Perhaps NFL’s greatest strength lies in her ability to produce a wide range of materials to the highest standard of quality and excellence.
Heat treatment: the cold hard facts
NFL operates at both plants, electronically controlled heat treatment facilities complete with graphed recording instrumentation to monitor heat treatment cycles. Water, oil and air quenching facilities are also employed to ensure that optimum mechanical properties and grain structures are achieved so as to satisfy the exact specifications of our ever-expanding customer base.
Quality that stands the test of time
For over 40 years we have built an international reputation that rests on our comprehensive quality testing procedures.
We provide a broad range of castings out of globally accepted and recognized materials.
Grey Irons, Ductile Irons, High Chrome Irons, Ni-Hard Steels, Moly Chrome Steels, Martensitic Steels, Stainless Steels (heat and corrosion resistant), Manganese Steels
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